KLAYswap NEWS. Compare the APR of KLAY V2 and V3 pair deposits on KLAYswap. KLAY+oUSDC. - V2: 7. - V3: 47. 01%(Max). KLAY+oUSDT.

20 Jun 2023, 05:42
📢KLAYswap NEWS Compare the APR of KLAY V2 and V3 pair deposits on KLAYswap!🚀 1️⃣ KLAY+oUSDC - V2: 7.92% - V3: 47.01%(Max) 2️⃣ KLAY+oUSDT - V2: 9.36% - V3: 40.22%(Max) 3️⃣ KLAY+KDAI - V2: 5.37% - V3: 29.17%(Max) Deposit Now 👉

Same news in other sources

21 Jun 2023, 03:14
📢KLAYswap NEWS Compare the APR of oXRP V2 and V3 pair deposits on KLAYswap!🚀 1️⃣ KDAI + oXRP - V2: 7.54% - V3: 45.64%(Max) 2️⃣ oXRP + oUSDT - V2: 9.12% - V3: 45.14%(Max) 3️⃣ oUSDC + oXRP - V2: 6.79% - V3: 42.81%(Max) Deposit Now 👉
KLAYswap NEWS. Compare the APR of oXRP V2 and V3 pair deposits on KLAYswap. KDAI + oXRP. - V2: 7. - V3: 45. 64%(Max).
📢KLAYswap NEWS Compare the APR of oXRP V2 and V3 pair deposits on KLAYswap!🚀 1️⃣ KDAI + oXRP - V2: 7.54% - V3: 45.64%(Max) 2️⃣ oXRP + oUSDT - V2: 9.12% - V3: 45.14%(Max) 3️⃣ oUSDC + oXRP - V2: 6.79% - V3: 42.81%(Max) Deposit Now 👉 https://t.co/2ARMZAuYFo