오르빗 체인 커뮤니티 여러분 안녕하세요. 오지스는 BPMG와 웹3 생태계 활성화를 위한 파트너십을 체결했습니다.
07 Oct 2022, 03:36
오르빗 체인 커뮤니티 여러분 안녕하세요.
오지스는 BPMG와 웹3 생태계 활성화를 위한 파트너십을 체결했습니다.
비피엠지(BPMG)는 중견, 중소 게임사를 위한 게임 플랫폼인 젬허브(GemHUB)와 올인원 멀티체인 월렛 케이민트(KMINT) 서비스를 제공 중인 기업으로, 유저 편의성 증진을 위한 서비스 제공을 목표로 합니다.
비피엠지는 클레이스왑 드랍스를 통해 거버넌스 토큰인 젬허브 토큰(GHUB) 토큰을 선보인바 있으며, PLWI, ZTC, CNT 등 다양한 유동성 풀을 생성하며 클레이스왑과 함께 생태계를 확장해왔습니다.
오지스는 올인원 월렛이자 편리한 UI를 자랑하는 케이민트 지갑의 클레이스왑 연동을 지원할 예정입니다.
커뮤니티 여러분의 많은 성원과 변함없는 관심 부탁드립니다.
Same news in other sources
207 Oct 2022, 03:44
RT @GemHUB_Protocol: BPMG X Ozys Partnership
BPMG and Ozys have decided technology cooperation for established token distribution system a…
RT @GemHUB_Protocol: BPMG X Ozys Partnership.
RT @GemHUB_Protocol: BPMG X Ozys Partnership
BPMG and Ozys have decided technology cooperation for established token distribution system a…
07 Oct 2022, 03:37
Hello, Orbit Chain community members,
Ozys announced a partnership with BPMG.
BPMG is a company that provides the game platform “GemHUB” for small and medium-sized game companies and “KMINT”, an all-in-one multi-chain wallet to enhance user convenience.
BPMG has introduced the Governance Token (GHUB) token through KLAYswap Drops, and has expanded the ecosystem with KLAYswap by creating various liquidity pools with PLWI, ZTC, and CNT.
Ozys will support the connection of the Kmint wallet on KLAYswap to provide a more convenient UI.
We ask for your continued support and unwavering interest.
Thank you.
Hello, Orbit Chain community members,. Ozys announced a partnership with BPMG.
Hello, Orbit Chain community members,
Ozys announced a partnership with BPMG.
BPMG is a company that provides the game platform “GemHUB” for small and medium-sized game companies and “KMINT”, an all-in-one multi-chain wallet to enhance user convenience.
BPMG has introduced the Governance Token (GHUB) token through KLAYswap Drops, and has expanded the ecosystem with KLAYswap by creating various liquidity pools with PLWI, ZTC, and CNT.
Ozys will support the connection of the Kmint wallet on KLAYswap to provide a more convenient UI.
We ask for your continued support and unwavering interest.
Thank you.